The consequences of not changing the lens for a long time are more terrible than you think!

The lens is yellow

Reduce visual definition, increased the burden of the eyeball, myopia degree deepened.

There are scratches on the lens

Influence lens refraction effect and optical correction performance, lose the role of improving vision.

Degree is not

Myopic degree early and before the myopic degree does not match, appear to see the symptom such as fuzzy, giddy, eye pain

According to concerned expert expresses, do not change lens for a long time to make eye fatigue easily, acerbity, bilge painful, serious person causes a series of eye ministry disease possibly even.


Lenses also have a shelf life

In almost every aspect of our lives, every item has a shelf life, and lenses are no exception.

So, how long does the lens last? How often should people reasonably change their lenses?

Teenagers: It is best to change lenses every six months to a year

Teenagers are the peak of eye use, the degree of this age will change relatively faster. The degree of myopia is likely to deepen due to excessive use of the eye at close range for a long time. People who often use excessive eyes suggest optometry every six months, if the lens is not suitable for the change of myopia diopter, to replace the lens in time. Cause myopia degree to deepen easily otherwise not only, and affect the health of study and body and mind.


Adults: Replace lenses every two years

The normal service life of ordinary resin lens is generally about two years. In the process of using this lens, different degrees of wear and tear will occur, including scratches and yellowing, which will affect the optical correction function of the lens and even lead to the deepening of myopia.


Older people: Replace regularly

Old people’s reading glasses also need to be replaced regularly. However, because the growth of reading glasses is relatively slow, therefore, there is no strict regulation of the replacement time of presbyopia glasses. But when the old people wear glasses to read the newspaper, if there is a feeling of difficulty, acid eyes and discomfort, or should be timely to the formal glasses testing and matching institutions optometry, and replace the lens.


Of course, everyone’s specific situation is not the same, the frequency of review and replacement of lenses also varies from person to person. It is recommended that customers carry out regular maintenance and cleaning of lenses after dispensing glasses, and go to regular institutions for optometry according to their own situation.

Post time: Sep-06-2021